Abbeyfield Consultancy Limited - Software Asset Management

Software Audit Tools

Many so called 'SAM' consultants make sweeping statements regarding selection, deployment and usage of tools.

Are they clear with you about the high percentage cash margin they will receive for installing the tool? Do they inform you that on top of the cost of the tool you must also consider the cost of the Server license and possible Client Access licenses you will require in addition to the quoted purchase price?

"Our experience in the software asset management has led to our commitment to Centennial Discovery as the inventory software of choice."

Our issue with the quote above is that until a consultant has met and understood the customer, they will not know which of the many tools available would be best suited to that organisation and its environment. You may even already have a tool installed, for example, SMS or SCCM; it would not make sense to discard these options before understanding all of your options.

The truth is, there are many tool suppliers making wide ranging claims regarding software/ hardware recognition, remote lockdown, low bandwidth, etc.

In reality an audit tool is an integral part of a good SAM process but it is imperative that you purchase and maintain the correct one for your organisation.

Software audit tools do not offer a silver bullet or quick fix and a badly maintained or incorrectly configured tool will not rectify non-compliance at all but in fact exacerbate the problem.

"No other IT audit solution offers the breadth and depth of auditing features required to maintain full visibility and control of the network."

At Abbeyfield Consultancy we are tool agnostic. We will conduct a full review of your current/ future requirements together. We will help you explore ease of use, long term cost (including ongoing license/maintenance fees) and once you are satisfied that you have the full picture; we investigate the best suppliers and present you with choices that best match your requirements.

Yes, we will charge you for this service, but at the end of the process you will have a tool that meets/matches most if not all of your requirements compared to having a tool that gives you what the manufacture dictates you will want.

Your software audit tool will be used daily, weekly, monthly and yearly so it is imperative that you make the correct business decision, and only make that decision with certainty if you explore all your options properly...