Abbeyfield Consultancy Limited - Software Asset Management

Why Do SAM?

Your main driver should be to...
...protect what you have without wasting money

The Office of Government Commerce (OGC) defines Software Asset Management as:

"The infrastructure and processes necessary for effective management, control and protection of the software assets within an organisation, throughout all stages of their lifecycle"

Sales are hard to find, cost cutting is the norm and there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel, it is the ideal time to implement SAM because it is proven to help you save money and gain better control.

Companies that invest intelligently in tools, processes and people to manage software effectively will help drive their organisations through economic peaks and troughs. Implementing SAM processes and a SAM practice in your organisation will help you create and operate a lean IT function that can help its various parts respond dynamically to need.

In turbulent times, IT functions tend to invest in improving operational discipline. IT operations utilise a huge chunk out of the IT budget ñ roughly 80% for just keeping the lights switched on and there is a move from spend on hardware to spend on software. Yet much of this spend is wasted.

My informal research suggests that 40%- 60% of the energy expended in operations is wasted through various inefficient processes and poor decision making. With closer scrutiny paid to green IT throughout the commercial and public sectors alike, can you afford to waste money through inefficiencies? In times like these, wasted energy is unacceptable and totally avoidable.

Software Asset Management can make big improvements to the management of a critical element of your IT infrastructure; your software assets. SAM can ensure you achieve and maintain compliance even as your software estate continues to grow. Good software management is critical to avoid costly audits, enforced reviews and financial penalties. It can also help you gain better control over your assets and help you optimise your investment so you get more value from your software and avoid unnecessary operational risks.

Software Asset Management (SAM) is a vital, continuous business process that provides a system for the effective management and protection of software assets. SAM can help you control costs and business risks, optimise your resources and create a strong foundation for the growth of your business.

Many organisations who undertake SAM are somewhat surprised at the value and benefit it provides them with, gaining true visibility into their purchases and software estate, coupled with a plan to improve ongoing software management.

To find out more about how SAM can help your business, please contact us.