Abbeyfield Consultancy Limited - Software Asset Management

Ask Yourself the Question:

Why Do I Need SAM?

The Simple Answer:

To Save You Money

Abbeyfield's service charter is very simple; if our consultants cannot identify savings in your estate then we will not charge you for our service.

We are confident in offering you this no risk approach as we know from experience that by implementing Software Asset Management you will save money. Every customer is over licensed in some areas. Even industry analyst Gartner states that a saving of up to 30 per cent is achievable by improving your control of your software assets.

Abbeyfield Consultancy Limited is a leader in the field of Asset Management specialists. We have worked with Microsoft since 2006 and continue to train SAM partners worldwide teaching them how to implement world class SAM with their customers.

To help you ascertain the value of SAM, we recommend that we set up a SAM workshop with you. This interactive session identifies your strengths and areas for improvement within your existing control structures and processes. From this initial assessment of your SAM processes, your SAM Readiness rating is determined and you are provided with a detailed report outlining findings and recommendations.

You may have previously reviewed your estate and identified some of your own savings. We would still recommend you complete a policies and procedures review with us as this will help you to manage and control your assets going forward. At the end of the review you will receive a detailed roadmap to help you prioritise changes in your process to improve lifecycle management.

Is your interest being driven by a software vendor?

and is it compliance related? If so, please call us, we can help you understand and confirm your position before you meet with the software vendor. It is important for you to understand the different approaches taken by each of them and the implications for you. For example, one vendor calculates your exposure by the date the software was available, not when it was installed, and they will claim damages from that date forward.

Industry analysts Gartner recently reported that the likelihood of an organisation being subject to at least one vendor software audit has risen to 56 percent in 2009 (compared with 30-35 percent in 2008).